What Malta football fans can do during the off season

Football is the most followed and beloved sport in Malta. There is a huge following when it comes to the national team, as well as being passionate about football from further afield. It’s one of the most popular sports in the world, so it’s no surprise that the Maltese can’t get enough of it either.

But what is there to do when the football isn’t on? It seems like a difficult question to answer, but there are more options than you might think. 

From playing at a live casino, to practising your own football skills, let’s take a look at what football fans can do out of season. 

What Malta football club fans can do out of season 

  • Check out other football teams

One of the best things about football is that there is always a game or competition going on. The Maltese are already big fans of the Premier League so it’s a great way to still get your dose of football, even if it’s not your team playing.

There are also international tournaments that are very prevalent and great to watch. The World Cup might only happen every 4 years, but the memory of the games will keep you going until the next tournament.

We also have the Euros, another prestigious football tournament that involves the best of the best in European football. And even when there isn’t a tournament, there are always friendly games that you can catch.

When it comes to football, there is always going to be a game to watch. Whether it’s friendly or fiercely competitive, your football fix is always going to be satisfied. 

  • Practise their own skills

Have you ever criticised a football player’s skills on the pitch? Well, now might be the time to try your own skills out and see if you can do better! What better way to spend your football downtime than getting out onto a pitch yourself.

Not only is it a great way to get your football fix in, it’s also a great form of exercise. Why not get some pals together and set up your own five a side? You can get together, have a kick about and maybe even a beer or two afterwards. 

Or if you don’t have enough people for a whole team, why don’t you try out some local teams that are already out there? Most towns and cities have teams you can join and it’s a great way to meet like minded people. 

  • Play games online

One of the most popular games to play just happens to be about football. We are of course talking about FIFA. It’s been the top game people love to play ever since it first came out, and improvements are being made all the time.

You can play FIFA on whatever console you have at home and there are lots of different versions to choose from. You can even play as your favourite players and live out your dream online! 

But if you’re not a FIFA fan, there are plenty of other games you can play. Online casinos have the biggest selection of games out there and there’s something for everyone. No matter what your skill level, there’s a casino game that suits you. 

If you’re a beginner, you could play online slots as it doesn’t require any prior knowledge. Or if you’re missing the buzz and atmosphere of a football game, maybe a live casino game could scratch that itch for you. 

  • Watch some other sports

It might not seem like it, but there are sports other than football! Even if you’re a die hard football fan, there are lots of great sports to keep entertained with. 

You could try other team sports such as American football or cricket. There are also the more chilled sports like golf to get into. There is always a sporting event happening somewhere, so you’re bound to stay entertained. 

  • Engage with players on social media

Now when we say engage, we don’t mean slip into their DMs. However, watching their content and seeing what they get up to when football isn’t in season is always interesting. You can get to know the players and their daily lives a bit more and still feel involved.

It’s always interesting to see what players are up to in their spare time. And even when they’re not playing in a tournament, they’re still constantly training. A lot of them document this on their social media channels which is a great way to keep informed about the life of a football player. 

Now you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that there are other things you can enjoy when there isn’t a big football tournament to watch. Which of the options is your favourite?