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How To Bet On Match Outcomes for EURO 2024

EURO 2024 betting is now fully underway since the event began on June 14, 2024 and will conclude in a month from now on July 14, 2024 at Berlin’s Olympiastadion. There are 6 groups A through F with four teams each on them to where they will all participate in matches to determine the final winner. The final group stage match will take place on June 26th while the knockout stage will commence on June 29th. 

If you are looking into betting on the event, then betting on match outcomes is one of the most popular and easiest bets to place. The way to bet on a match outcome is pretty straightforward with three choices to signify how you believe the outcome will pan out. 

Betting On a Home Win

Betting on a home win is signified by designating your bet as a 1. This means that you believe that the home team will win the match. For example, say that you are betting on the upcoming match between Poland versus Austria for June 21, 2024. If you think Poland would win the match, you would mark off a 1 on your betting card. 

Betting On an Away Win

Betting on an away win is as easy as marking 2 on your betting card for the corresponding match. Going with the same example of Poland versus Austria, maybe you think that the away team, Austria, will win this match instead. Hence, you would mark a 2 instead of a 1 on your betting card. 

Betting On a Draw

As a football fan, you know that matches can sometimes end in a draw. Perhaps you believe that the offensive and defensive skills for the team are pretty equal and that the match between Poland and Austria will end as a draw rather than any of the teams winning. Just mark an X on your betting card to signify that you think the game will end in a draw. 

How To Place A Match Outcome Bet for EURO 2024

Placing a match outcome bet for EURO 2024 will take some time, dedication, and research once you find a reputable sportsbook platform and deposit funds into your bankroll. 

The first and foremost endeavor that you should do is become informed of the upcoming match schedule. From there, you can plan out your research times before each match occurs to get ready for bet placement. 

Collect Historical Data

Historical data involves any information related to what happened during past matches for players and the team overall. How have each player’s offensive and defensive skills been in relation to their team position over this past season? How many games has each team for the match won and lost? Take into account their average scores per match. 

Analyze the Odds from Multiple Sources

While you can analyze the odds on the sportsbook platform that you chose to bet on, you can look into odds on other reputable sportsbooks for further insight. Even evaluating the odds from articles that notable people in the football industry publish can carry some weight. 

Do In-Play Betting

When you are ready to make your bet, be sure it’s done with an in-play betting strategy so that you are making your decision as close to the end of the game as possible to enhance your chances of possibly winning the bet. 


Are you excited for spectating the EURO 2024 match events? You can track all the upcoming matches by visiting this link so you can tune in remotely or buy tickets to spectate in person. Remember that the in-play betting is your friend when betting on match outcomes. 

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